Take it from me. You never know when your house could go up in flames. I like this advice for prepping from Rex Nanorum at The Loadout Room: If you’ve been prepping for a little while, you’ve probably got the basics covered. You have a bug-out bag, a decent stash of MRE’s or #10 cans of freeze-dried food and a plan to keep it all secure once you’re hunkered down. What’s next? Besides piling up more supplies, what else can you do to further prepare yourself for a disaster? Here are 5 ideas you may find useful in going from beginner to intermediate prepper. 1. Bug out picnic/range … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Don’t Let Hillary Leave You Defenseless
$25 Million Ain’t What it Used to Be
Barron’s cover story, “Penta Millionaires: The New Rising Class” reports in 2015 there were a record one million households with more than $5 million in investable assets, up 5% from 2014. This should be fun. Let’s guess how much of this new wealth will actually stick. I’m not talking about the Pentas' necessarily. I’m thinking more about the $25 million crowd. Imagine their burn rate—fueling those jets is expensive! What caught my eye is the story of a Mr. Anthony Alves, 54, who sold his New Jersey company, Oasis Foods, putting his net-worth well over $25 million. “It was life-changing,” … [Read more...]
"I'm Not the Victim Hillary Needs Me to Be"
In a response to a Democratic presidential debate question on Oct. 13, 2015 Hillary Clinton put NRA members as a list of enemies she is most proud of. Here’s what Kimberly Corban had to say about it: Clinton’s declaration made us wonder how NRA members feel about being recklessly declared her enemy. So we decided to ask them: How does it feel to be named Public Enemy Number 1 by Hillary Clinton? Today we hear from Kimberly Corban, a rape survivor who was largely dismissed by President Barack Obama at a televised town hall meeting earlier this year. On May 12, 2006, my life was irrevocably … [Read more...]
Home Security Video
I like this home security video by former Army Delta Operator, Tyler Grey courtesy of The Loadout Room. … [Read more...]
Prepping for Your Survival
I found this article to be right on the money about the mindset of self-reliance. It’s liberating when you start thinking about how you can help yourself rather than wait for someone else to take care of you. Here it is from the Washington Post: Don and Jonna Bradway recently cashed out of the stock market and invested in gold and silver. They have stockpiled food and ammunition in the event of a total economic collapse or some other calamity commonly known around here as “The End of the World As We Know It” or “SHTF” — the day something hits the fan. The Bradways fled California, a … [Read more...]
Panic at JFK Highlights the Need for Situational Awareness
Last night panic spread through New York's John F. Kennedy airport as reports of shots fired spread. Two terminals were closed, passengers were fleeing blindly and ducking for cover, and police escorted innocent civilians out of the building with weapons drawn. In reports, travelers told the media they ran because everyone else was running. Without detail, and without any information, people panicked. The key to improving your chances in a herd-stampede situation like this is situational awareness. You can improve yours by being on guard, aware of your surroundings and by critically analyzing … [Read more...]
Love at First Shot: Daria Bruno Featured on NRA Show
Rhode Island native, radio personality, and firearms instructor Daria Bruno has been featured on the NRA's Love at First Shot. Daria regularly introduces first-time shooters to the sport. Becky spent time with Daria learning the basics back in 2013. Women are the fastest growing demographic in shooting sports, and Daria regularly holds women only nights where she teaches first timers and more experienced shooters new skills and safety. Check out Daria online here. Love at First Shot | S2 E12: "After the First Shot: Education Has No Limits" … [Read more...]
Stand with the NRA
A friend forwarded this to me and I'm doing the same for you. Pass it on... Following the horrific terror attack on a nightclub in Orlando, Fla., in June, all of the usual suspects—from President Barack Obama to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer—began calling for the same old non-solutions to terror, murder and criminal violence. And true to form, gun-hating politicians and many in the anti-gun “mainstream” media started pointing fingers—mostly at the 5 million law-abiding Americans who are members of the National Rifle Association. But … [Read more...]
Dallas Shooter Attended Self-Defense Course
This is a good piece by Scott Witner at the Loadout Room. Reports are still coming out about the shooters weapons, his weapons cache that was discovered, and now the training he has had. Obviously when a tragedy such as this one happens the suspects life gets turned inside out and the public is overwhelmed with information whether it’s accurate or not. It is being reported that the shooter had attended a private ‘self-defense’ course that taught military style drills to include shooting on the move. Nobody will ever know his true intention for taking that course. It could have been for … [Read more...]