Money 101

Why Vanguard Is Still Too Big and More

Your Survival Guy gets a lot of emails from vendors looking for my business. Take Vanguard, for example. I received an email yesterday offering...

Often Wrong, Never in Doubt with Your Money

Wow, were they wrong. All those big-shot mutual fund companies and money managers talking about the virtues of ESG and DEI. Their home pages...

Stick to Your Plan

When you’re a serious investor, you create a plan and evaluate it regularly. It’s what I talk about in my conversation with you. With...

Will California Bond Investors Get a Taxpayer Bailout?

We live in a dangerous world where manmade disasters are as deadly as natural ones. What we’re seeing with the wildfires in California is...

Are Your IRAs Compliant with the IRS RMD?: Part 2

In my conversations with you, we talk about your income needs for the year. Yesterday, I wrote to you about the required minimum distribution...

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