Is Vanguard too Big?

Vanguard, Bogle, Young and Your First Grade Teacher

I know that you know Vanguard lowered its fees on 87 funds because you tell me. It’s no surprise that Vanguard is racing to...

Are You Still with Vanguard, and Are You Concerned?

Originally posted June 14, 2024. A long time ago, Vanguard founder Jack Bogle came up with a novel idea for a mutual fund company. Keep...

Why Vanguard Is Still Too Big and More

Your Survival Guy gets a lot of emails from vendors looking for my business. Take Vanguard, for example. I received an email yesterday offering...

SPECIAL CONFESSION: Why I’m Being Hard on Vanguard

Originally posted June 12, 2024. Dear faithful readers, here it is, the piece you’ve all been waiting for: Why I’m being hard on Vanguard. I know...

Intelligence Report, Vanguard, and Amazon Priming of YOU

The end of 2024 is here. Did you have a chance to talk to your financial advisor? If not, you need to make the...

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