RAGE Gauge

February RAGE Gauge: Are We Having Fun Yet?

Are we having fun yet? What did you expect? President Trump didn’t write How to Win Friends and Influence People or The Art of...

January RAGE Gauge: Trump, Fidelity, and Your Money

OK, Your Survival Guy’s January RAGE Gauge is in, and it’s not pretty. What did you expect me to say? It’s beautiful. Really great....

December RAGE Gauge: Boom! Small Business Outlook Jumps

Wow, isn’t it amazing what a difference one month makes? Now that voters have spoken and said, “Yes, it’s the economy, stupid!” America’s small...

November RAGE Gauge: Gobble Up These Yields Now

OK, Your Survival Guy’s November RAGE Gauge is in, let’s dig into this. For the first time in a long time, dissatisfaction with the...

October RAGE Gauge: Paris, Guns, Gold, LVMH, and YOU

Your Survival Guy’s October Rage Gauge is in and it’s not pretty. What did you expect me to say? The stock market is on...

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