Your Retirement Life

Are You Living Your Best Retirement Life Like They Are?

In my conversation with you, we talked about how you’re spending your time this winter. Just this morning, I received an email about your...

Don’t Sink Your Retirement Dream

Thinking of buying a condo in South Florida? It's beautiful but do your homework. Don't end up in a building that's sinking. The Associated...

Your Retirement Life: Our Cabin on Kodiak, Alaska

UPDATE 12.18.24: Your Survival Guy spoke with Dr. Lee this week. He’s doing great, living his best retirement life, salmon fishing, and traveling. What was...

Your Survival Guy Back from Tropical Key West

Your Survival Guy is back from tropical Key West. Tropical, except for the last few days when temperatures dropped into the 60s. I’m not...

“Have You Thought About Getting Another Dog?”

“Have you thought about getting another dog?” Your Survival Gal and Guy have been asked recently, having lost our dog Louis in April at...

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