A Family Survival Quintet for You!

OK then, for those of you as concerned as Debbie and I are, here is the second in my list of inexpensive, easy-to-order personal survival items. I have owned all for a while, and I will add to my holdings of each in 2012:

(1) Henry U.S. Survival .22 rifle and a large quantity of CCI Stinger 22LR copper-plated 32 grain hollow point varmint ammo. This inexpensive, light (2.5 lbs.), accurate rifle packs up in a waterproof plastic stock and can be assembled and ready to fire in under a minute. Very cool. I love mine and am going to stock up with more for gifts and backup support.

(2) Boxes of Superfood Slam bars by PROBAR LLC. These whole food organic bars, loaded with Omega 3s, provide 380 calories per bar. Order these in bulk on your one-click Amazon account.

(3) My #2 water gathering/storage solution is WaterBrick, manufactured by Custom-Pak (bought through Amazon). You can transport water in lightweight fashion and stack the Bricks for easy storing.

(4) Perfect Food Raw Green Super Food. These organic capsules from Garden of Life are loaded with 34 nutrient-dense RAW greens, sprouts, and veggies. Debbie and I take these daily. You’ll feel as though you’ve been grazing on your lawn. Talk about Green and Chlorophyll. Once again Amazon can fill your order with a single click.

(5) New Chapter whole-food organic multivitamins (Amazon.com). These great multis offer stress, immune and cardio support and are manufactured with cultured whole-foods.

Remember, there is never any risk in being prepared! When the emergency finally hits, how do you explain to your loved ones why you failed to follow Dick Young’s emergency preparation advice?