Brits Defenseless, Want Their Handguns Back

Cheryl Carpenter Klimek at BizPac Review details the results of a poll by The Telegraph in which readers overwhelmingly expressed their support for a repeal of the ban on handguns in the United Kingdom.

Recently the Daily Telegraph put out a request to their UK readers to suggest “Private Member Bills” that they would like to see offered to Members of Parliament. A number of ideas were suggested, including a repeal of the ban on handguns and re-opening shooting clubs.

The Telegraph listed the top six suggestions in an online poll asking readers to vote for the one they most wanted to see debated. In addition to repealing the gun ban, others include a 10 year term limit for Prime Ministers and a flat tax for everyone regardless of income.

The voting began about a week ago, and the numbers are staggering in support of bringing back handguns to the public. The submission reads, “After all, why should only criminals be ‘allowed’ to possess guns and shoot unarmed, defenceless citizens and police officers?”