Money 101

How’s Vanguard GNMA with YTM of 4.6%?

If you hold Vanguard GNMA like I do, then you will be pleased to know, regardless of its price being down, that as of...

Your Survival Guy’s Not a Psychologist, But…

Your Survival Guy’s not a psychologist, but I do know a thing or two about the emotions of investing. You hear plenty about not drawing...

Dumb Money

Your Survival Guy watched Dumb Money this week. I can’t say I’m in the camp of the day traders. They’re just as bad as...

Top 10 Stressors in Life and Why

Your Survival Guy’s not a psychologist, but I can see why “Retirement” is a “Top 10 Stressor in Life.” At PsychCentral, Sian Ferguson writes...

Is Your Cash Flow Prepped for 2024 and Beyond?

Just when you feel like you can take a break after the busy holidays, now is when you realize how much you still need...

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