Your Retirement Life

Living Your Best Life: Your Calls & Emails to Me

Your Survival Guy is working in the trenches for you. And that's OK. I like the view from where the boots hit the ground....

Congratulations 50 Year-Old Phil Mickelson Winning PGA Championship

You know that I encourage you to say "not yet" to retirement and that once in retirement you should continue to live an active...

You’re Telling Your Survival Guy This and More…

You’re telling Your Survival Guy about your recent fly fishing float trip to Wyoming, where your guide said, “We don’t wear masks around here.”...

BLOOD MONEY: Cuomo Reaps $5 Million on Self-Congratulatory COVID Book Deal

Governor Andrew Cuomo was the worst of the governors gone wild during the height of COVID-19. He took liberties from people arbitrarily and forced...

CENSUS CONFIRMS: Americans Fleeing Blue States for Growth Corridors

The results of the 2020 Census are in, and they confirm what many Americans, including Your Survival Guy, already knew: Citizens are looking for...

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