Survive and Thrive

Survive and Thrive January 2024: Your Investing Success in 2024 May Rely on This

Dear Survivor, Your success as an investor has much to do with your temperament. It’s more art than science. That’s not coming from me. That’s...

Survive and Thrive December 2023: A Stock Market Boom or Bust for 2024?

Dear Survivor, Your Survival Guy received some Christmas emails asking about a certain economist’s stock market prediction that the bubble’s about to burst. My take? Why...

Survive and Thrive November 2023: A Word or Two about Your Survival Guy’s Money

Dear Survivor, Your Survival Guy wants to share a word or two about my money. For one, I eat my own cooking. I don’t hope...

Survive and Thrive October 2023: Storming the Magic Kingdom: Wall Street and the Raiders…

Dear Survivor, When you look at the long-term advance of stocks over the past four decades, an observation worth noting: It was good to be...

Survive and Thrive September 2023: “I Want to Be a Farmer, a Garbageman, or Tom Brady”

Dear Survivor, Life is full of pressures, and they don’t lessen over time. Life doesn’t get easier. Getting older isn’t for the faint of heart. In...

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