Tucker Explains

RON DESANTIS: Florida Will Fix What Biden Can’t

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis joined Tucker Carlson last night to explain how his state can help ease the supply chain nightmare caused by COVID-19...

Vaccine Mandates Are Only the Beginning

Vaccine mandates are only the beginning of an American reality in which states' rights are trampled by federal mandates to control you. Tucker Carlson...

Tucker Explains: Ted Nugent Tells Tyrants What They Can Do

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDQ7hFDIl4Y] While being interviewed by Tucker Carlson, rock and roller Ted Nugent tells tyrants who want to take his Second Amendment rights exactly what...

Tucker Carlson Talks to Famous Hollywood Fixer

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnZYyhUPr9Q] Tucker Carlson talks to Anthony Pellicano about the decadence of Hollywood and Pellicano's years as the city's best-known "fixer."

Tucker Explains: An Afghanistan Analysis with Lara Logan

https://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=6268475740001&w=466&h=263Watch the latest video at foxnews.com Tucker Carlson sits down with investigative journalist Lara Logan to discuss the situation in Afghanistan.

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