Are You Getting the Financial Advice You Deserve?

By somyuzu @ Adobe Stock

Now that voters have spoken, we know that in the words of James Carville, “It’s the economy stupid.” The election results showed that the state of Florida is now ruby red thanks to New Englanders leaving for greener pastures. Americans across the country have moved to places they feel better match their goals.

Whether or not you have moved, this time of change is a chance to get your financial planning in order. Are you getting the financial advice you deserve? The kind of advice that considers the ever-changing landscape from state to state, from one border to another? You must also consider the current condition of the economy.

Look at my chart series below, and you can see what a mess America is in after the Biden/Harris administration’s mismanagement. How you navigate the mess going forward could make the difference between enjoying a retirement like the one you deserve or living one you resent that you’re in.

Action Line: When you’re ready to talk, email me at But only when you’re serious.

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