In my conversations with you, we talk about the chaos in Washington. Not with surprise but with relief. There’s a new sheriff in town. A lot of wrongs need to be undone. It’s going to take some time to get back to even.
As an investor in times like these, in the words of Jack Bogle, “Don’t just do something, stand there.” Unless, of course, you’re standing on a pile of cash, wringing your hands, wondering what to do. I can point to years on the calendar that have gone by for the investor waiting for the “right time” to get back in. Inertia is a killer.
The easy decision is to choose to act. To commit to a plan. There’s always stuff to worry about. And if there isn’t, wait a few minutes. A plan allows for peace of mind, and you can always blame it on Your Survival Guy. I can handle it.
You can sink your teeth into today’s yields. Look at the yield curve and take what you’re given. As one of you told me last week about a recent purchase, “I’m absolutely delighted.”
Action Line: Yesterday, you told me you’re planning your garden, and the seeds you ordered are arriving. Nice. Now is the time to plan for the next season. Don’t miss it. When you’re ready to talk, let’s talk, but only if you’re serious. Email me at ejsmith@yoursurvivalguy.com.