Inside the Wreckage of a Dystopian Financial District

Imagine you’re walking through the wreckage of a dystopian city. An empty financial district. Streets littered with white papers. Forgotten studies about ESG, woke capital, and DEI.

You pass the shuttered storefronts of banks that were supposed to be too big to fail. Net Zero and WEF membership stickers are coming unpeeled, next to signs that read “FDIC Insured” and “CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies) Only.”

It’s a ghost town.

And then there’s you. My hero in this story. The lone survivor. Standing amidst the carnage while the so-called experts are gone away. They failed to survive the apocalypse of their own creation.

And then I wake up. Sitting here talking with you. Wondering if that could ever happen.

Sitting in my office. An old brick building. A former bank, I wonder why investors get caught up in the vortex of it all. I sit in my hypothetical cave far, far away from it all. Away from the noise. On a tree-lined street in beautiful Newport, RI, with no one outside even knowing I’m here. There’s no storefront. There’s no signage. No stickers. It’s perfect.

One day, walking out the front gate, a passerby stopped in his tracks and said, “Beautiful building. What goes on in there?”

“Thank you,” I responded. “Research.” And we went our separate ways.

Action Line: When you’re ready, come see me in Newport to talk “research.”