Your Survival Guy and Gal recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Before we were married in Key West, surrounded by family and friends in the southernmost state, we were anxiously watching the tail end of hurricane season.
Right before the big day, Tropical Storm Mitch hit, rerouting some flights to Miami, making the drive south on Route 1 far from beautiful as causeways were closing left and right just after crossing. Somehow, everyone made it in time for our rehearsal dinner. And the next day was one of those days after the storm, beautiful.
That made everyone even happier, especially when the spread at the Casa Marina included stone crab claws, Key West shrimp, warm Cuban mixes, and frozen boat drinks. Not that I remember much of that, or had any because I was too nervous to eat or drink much while thinking about giving my first toast as a married couple. But I’m told the sunset was incredible, and the foreign beer tab through the roof.
Months of planning went into this. My toast, that is. I would think about it and what I wanted to say on my runs. But when the moment of the toast finally came, the way I started it wasn’t planned at all. The energy of the big room, the band quietly watching, me standing there in what felt like a scene from the Roaring 20s. I looked around the room, looked at Becky, smiled, and said, “So far so good.”
There wasn’t a better place to be.
Which brings me to you and to our talks. Your milestones. Ones you’re crossing that make twenty-five years look like a walk in the park. The milestones we hear about less and less these days. I hear about them all the time from you. They’re what make habit #4 of the fairly wealthy your life, your journey, your family worth living for.
Action Line: Our first song seems like yesterday. Twenty-five years goes by fast. “So far so good.”

Read about all of the Top 10 Investing Habits of the Fairly Wealthy here.