Starving for Fixed Income? I Can Help

By Nedilko Andrii @

Originally posted June 7, 2023.

If you’re starving for fixed income, I can help. I want to help. With interest rates at these levels, we’re seeing a generation opportunity. Don’t let this alligator market lure you into areas where you could lose your precious money. This is not an easy time. It’s downright deceiving. Let’s review.

Your government was on the edge of default just days ago and avoided a near disaster (for now). The Federal Reserve is managing interest rates with the equivalent of a wet finger in the air. How about CBDCs where the government controls your currency? Or Yellen’s global tax? It’s as if they want a crisis.

When you understand the magnitude of the undercurrents working against you, you begin to realize why Your Survival Guy is laser-focused on your return of assets, not your return on them. Where you invest every dollar like it’s the last one you’ll ever make.

My day is spent talking investments. I’m hearing whispers of “getting more aggressive.” I’m hearing about a push to more stocks. I don’t like it. This is a perfect time to shore up your fixed income—a natural spring of income. The stock market? It’s a swamp.

Action Line: Don’t get bogged down in the swamp. Look for deep, clear waters in fixed income. When you need help, I’m here.

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E.J. Smith - Your Survival Guy
E.J. Smith is Founder of, Managing Director at Richard C. Young & Co., Ltd., a Managing Editor of, and Editor-in-Chief of His focus at all times is on preparing clients and readers for “Times Like These.” E.J. graduated from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, with a B.S. in finance and investments. In 1995, E.J. began his investment career at Fidelity Investments in Boston before joining Richard C. Young & Co., Ltd. in 1998. E.J. has trained at Sig Sauer Academy in Epping, NH. His first drum set was a 5-piece Slingerland with Zildjians. He grew-up worshiping Neil Peart (RIP) of the band Rush, and loves the song Tom Sawyer—the name of his family’s boat, a Grady-White Canyon 306. He grew up in Mattapoisett, MA, an idyllic small town on the water near Cape Cod. He spends time in Newport, RI and Bartlett, NH—both as far away from Wall Street as one could mentally get. The Newport office is on a quiet, tree lined street not far from the harbor and the log cabin in Bartlett, NH, the “Live Free or Die” state, sits on the edge of the White Mountain National Forest. He enjoys spending time in Key West (RIP JB) and Paris. Please get in touch with E.J. at To sign up for my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, click here.