When Did You Become Serious about Your Money?

By Maryna Pleshkun @ Shutterstock.com

In my conversations with you, you tell me when you became serious about money. If it didn’t happen when your dad, grandad, or friend showed you Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report, it happened when you yourself became a subscriber. You needed to make good investment decisions for your retirement. Also, when you subscribed to Dick’s letter, you signed up for a handful of others too.

Over time you let the other subscriptions lapse, you tell me. But you kept subscribing to Dick’s letter. His was the one you liked most because you felt he enjoyed writing to you and cared about your success. It’s not that the others didn’t. It just became too much trading and too much work for you to keep up with. Plus, you liked reading about Dick and Debbie’s Harley Davidson trips, and the lead paragraph was not to be missed.

And it also came back to time. Your time. You could quickly peruse Dick’s Monster Master list before heading out to dinner and save the rest for later in the week. You could make a mental note that this stock was added or this one was gone and be on with your life. You were able to get a quick dose of confidence in a short amount of time. Now you don’t have that, and life isn’t getting simpler. You don’t have the time to follow stocks, nor quite frankly, the inclination.

Action Line: When I first started working with Dick, I remember how dead serious he would be when discussing investing. That feeling will always be with me. That’s why we should talk.

P.S. Come Monday, read a “Letter to the Federal Reserve Chairman from Your Survival Guy.”

P.P.S. Jimmy Buffett, 76, has been hospitalized in Boston for an undisclosed medical condition. In typical fashion, he remarked, “Growing old is not for sissies!” Get well soon Jimmy!