Your Survival Guy Forgot His Razor

By Vera @ Adobe Stock

I told you yesterday we were in Boston recently. What I didn’t tell you was how Your Survival Guy, Mr. Prepared, forgot his razor at home and went to CVS to buy one. Not far from where I was shopping, trying to open the locked down razors compartment someone was loading up a sack the size of a hockey bag with stuff to steal.

She proceeded to zip it up and walk out the front door with the pathetic sounding alarm beeping without a blink of an eye. That’s when I sprang into action, tackling her to the ground and returning the goods.—No.—Sorry. I just watched it happen. The same was true for everyone else working in the front of the store. Just business as usual these days. And this was in a fairly nice part of the city.

Which brings us to the future of cities. What will they look like? In Paris, I can tell you there are areas that are protected and areas that are not as protected. A big difference. It doesn’t take much to be in an area where bad stuff can happen in the blink of an eye. In my CVS experience, there were no guards or police presence, but go one street over to Newbury, and there are guards at the door at Rolex. Yes, I know that’s a little different than CVS, but still it’s a different feel. The same for Paris on St. Honoré and Avenue Montaigne vs other areas.

The future of the city? There will be beautiful protected areas and other areas that will not be. The gap is getting larger by the day. Be prepared.

Action Line: Make sure you know where you’re going. Plan your routes, get your training, and remember that you are your first and last line of defense. It’s up to you to protect your family by both preventing them from getting into harm’s way and by quickly and safely getting them out of it. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter. Tell me about what you’ve seen in your city. I’m listening.