CENSUS CONFIRMS: Americans Fleeing Blue States for Growth Corridors

By photo.ua @ Shutterstock.com

The results of the 2020 Census are in, and they confirm what many Americans, including Your Survival Guy, already knew: Citizens are looking for a better America in the nation’s growth corridors. The Daily Mail reports:

New York and California are each to lose a single congressional seat under the results the Census Bureau released Monday from its decennial count – in a blow to two of the nation’s most populous states.

New York, long a powerhouse in congressional politics, will drop to just 26 seats in its congressional delegation. California is losing a seat for the first time in its history, and will drop to 52.

In the case of New York, it was a razor-thin shortcoming in the nationwide population count that caused the state to just barely miss out on maintaining its representation.

New York and California are each to lose a single congressional seat under the results the Census Bureau released Monday from its decennial count – in a blow to two of the nation’s most populous states.

New York, long a powerhouse in congressional politics, will drop to just 26 seats in its congressional delegation. California is losing a seat for the first time in its history, and will drop to 52.

In the case of New York, it was a razor-thin shortcoming in the nationwide population count that caused the state to just barely miss out on maintaining its representation.

Action Line: Thousands of people are signing up for my free monthly Survive & Thrive newsletter because they’re serious about finding a better America. If you’re serious about the future of this country, and your future in it, click here to sign up today.