“Jesse’s Going Crazy, Just Running Along the Edges”

Just thinking about our dog Louis, who turned twelve in July, brings a flood of memories. Like when our kids came home that day, dropping their backpacks on the floor like they summited Everest, as a puppy came sliding and tumbling around the corner into them for the first time.

Or, when Louis brings Your Survival Guy dead animals, rolls around in “something,” or won’t come in when I know he hears me, and I’m ready for bed. Or grabs dinner—not his—from the counter.

Then there’s the times we’re all together on long walks in New Hampshire.

But let’s not forget the dog fights at Thanksgiving, two years in a row, and another trip to the vet.

Did I mention the money?

Anyway, Your Survival Guy was talking with a long-time client yesterday—who was in his Polaris Ranger sitting near a pond in the woods of Maine—not far from his 100+ acre property.

“Jesse’s going crazy,” he said. “Just running along the edges looking for stuff in the water. He loves it out here. Keeps himself busy.”

“What’s not to like?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah, it’s nice here,” he said. “A beautiful morning.”

Your Survival Guy knows Jesse because Jesse is a descendant of Jasper (RIP). I felt like I knew Jasper, too, right until the end because that’s what we talked about. It’s sad when our animals are sick. And I knew when my client picked up the phone that Jasper had moved on. I knew he would miss those times in the morning when they’d be out in the woods.

But now it feels like old times again.

It’s funny how my conversations with you, dear reader, happen. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but I think it’s something more. Because later in the day, another client, out of the blue, said his “buddy” barks when he plays the song Green Onions (the “on hold” music when you call our office). We weren’t even talking about our dogs.

Action Line: With all our makin’ and our savin’ let’s not forget about the enjoyin’. Just don’t keep ‘em waiting too long.

“Let’s wrap the phone call up boys.”