Your Survival Guy and Gal left Newport, RI, for a cruise down Rhode Island Sound Saturday with our destination Mattapoisett, MA, through Buzzards Bay. We took a hard left to swing into Westport, MA, to have some oysters and chowder.
Approaching Westport, you have some beautiful coastline with Gooseberry Island off starboard side, then Horseneck Beach State Reservation, and off your port side are hidden ledges sitting like Jaws waiting to grab your hull.
You’d never know there was a harbor inside, but once you thread the needle and throttle back, it’s a beautiful, long, winding, narrow, and shallow entrance.
Westport harbor is so well protected. Smaller power boats anchor up at the beach or grab a mooring (if you can find one) for the afternoon. We tied up to the transient dock in front of Westport Sea Farms and settled into a couple of Adirondack chairs for lunch.
From there, we cruised to Mattapoisett, MA, where we keep a mooring to settle in with family for the night. Happy Fourth to you and yours.