101 Reasons to Move to New Hampshire

By Stockphotos RBL @ Shutterstock.com

Take a moment, in this political climate, to learn a bit more about New Hampshire from this post I wrote back on March 4, 2016.

If you would like to get more freedom in your life then the Free State Project (FSP) might be for you. FSP is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. On February 3, 2016 FSP announced that more than 20,000 signatures had been obtained—a Statement of Intent to move to the “live free or die” state within five years. Here’s a handful of the 101 reasons to move to New Hampshire.


New Hampshire’s constitution does not specifically prohibit secession.

Automobile Insurance

New Hampshire is the only state that does not mandate automobile liability insurance or charge a related fee for being uninsured. Compared to national averages, New Hampshire has more insured drivers, and, as of 2014, the 3rd lowest insurance rates in the country.

New Hampshire legislators are only paid a salary of $100 per year, helping ensure the existence of a citizen legislature committed to public service.

Accessibility of Officials

New Hampshire officials, from town clerks to the state governor, are accessible to the public and generally have a “walk-right-in” office policy.

Right to Revolution

New Hampshire’s constitution expressly protects citizens’ right to revolution (Section 1, Article 10).

Sales Tax

New Hampshire has no general sales tax.

Best Representation per Capita

New Hampshire offers the best representation of any state in the nation with a 400-member House of Representatives for a population of 1.3 million people.

Income Tax

New Hampshire has no general personal income tax. Dividends and interest are taxed at only 5%.

Eminent Domain

New Hampshire state law prohibits the use of eminent domain for private use or private development.

Inventory Tax

New Hampshire has no inventory tax.

Gun Laws

New Hampshire offers some of the least restrictive gun laws in the nation: no license is required to open carry and a concealed carry license is available on a shall-issue basis.