The many candidates in the Democratic Presidential Primary are now attempting to outdo one another with policies that will appeal to the party’s hard left supporters. One policy area which seems to be an auction for the worst ideas is gun control. Up until now, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has been leading the bidding with her proposals to use executive orders to unconstitutionally infringe on gun owners’ rights. Now there’s a new contender in the race for most restrictive proposals. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), has rolled out a proposal that would add a number of new regulations. The Daily Mail explains Booker’s platform, writing:
Booker’s plan would also ban assault weapons; allow the Consumer Product Safety Commission to regulate gun manufacturers; require microstamping technology be incorporated into new models of semi-automatic handguns; calls for universal background checks for gun sales; and close the ‘boyfriend loophole’ that allows dating partners to purchase firearms after being convicted of abuse or under a restraining order.
Americans don’t want to elect someone promising to immediately curtail their civil rights. Harris, Booker, and most of the Democratic Party field have promised to do just that.
With the gun grabbing politicians only one election away, all Americans should consider getting their guns and their training now.