How Free Are You Today?

By Uliana @ Adobe Stock

Every two years, the Cato Institute produces the Human Freedom Index, ranking the world’s countries by the freedom their citizens enjoy. This year is the first since most of the major Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. The country where citizens enjoy the greatest freedom was, once again, for the third time in a row, Switzerland. Switzerland has ranked either first or second since 2000. The authors of the study explained the trends in freedom around the world, writing:

Human freedom deteriorated severely in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Most areas of freedom fell, including significant declines through 2022 in freedom of movement, expression, and association and assembly; and in sound money. After having fallen significantly in 2020 and further in 2021, human freedom increased in 2022 but remained well below its pre-pandemic level during the third year of the pandemic. On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 represents more freedom, the average human freedom rating for 165 jurisdictions fell from 6.98 in 2019 to 6.76 in 2020 and to 6.73 in 2021, and then increased in 2022 to 6.82. On the basis of that coverage, 87.4 percent of the world’s population saw a fall in human freedom from 2019 to 2022, with many more jurisdictions decreasing (130) than increasing (28) their ratings and 7 remaining unchanged. The sharp decline in freedom that began in 2020 comes after years of slow descent following a high point in 2007. In the third year of the pandemic, global freedom remained at a level far below what it was in 2000, the lowest point in the past two decades prior to the outbreak of COVID-19.

The top 15 countries ranked were (some were tied):

1. Switzerland

2. New Zealand

3. Denmark

4. Luxembourg

5. Ireland

6. Finland

7. Australia

7. Iceland

7. Sweden

10. Estonia

11. Canada

12. Japan

12. Norway

14. Germany

15. Czech Republic

You’ll notice quickly that the United States is not on that list of the top 15. The U.S. comes in tied for 17th with the United Kingdom. After watching the brutal tactics of governments in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada during Covid, this seems a bit surprising.

Action Line: If you’re looking to live in a place with more freedom, you don’t even have to leave the United States. Take a look at Your Survival Guy’s 2024 Super States, and find a better America today. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.