By B.Dpunkt @

If you were paying attention at all in 2020, you noticed quickly that every time ANTIFA goons showed up to a so-called “protest,” it turned into a riot or looting bonanza. Well, if you felt that way, you weren’t wrong. Science now agrees, when ANTIFA is involved, violence most often follows. Hannah Nightingale reports on a study published in the Washington Post showing the association of an ANTIFA presence and violence breaking out at protests. She writes in the Post Millennial:

“For most people antifa is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wearing a black mask,” wrote sociologist Stanislav Vysotsky, the piece published in the Washington Post cited. While stating that Antifa, standing for anti-fascism, is an “ideological movement of loosely connected individuals and groups that oppose fascism and white supremacy,” in the US,  the piece said that “the ‘antifa’ moniker is most associated with a militant version of anti-fascism, particularly organizations including Rose City Antifa in Portland, Ore., and the Torch Antifa network.”

The report found that Antifa groups use both “nonviolent tactics” like doxing and other forms of public shaming, as well as violence “to oppose fascist organizing, often responding to right-wing violence with similar tactics.”

The study looked at two sources that collect event data: the Crowd Counting Consortium, and the Armed Conflict and Location and Event Data Project. While the CCC tended to undercount Antifa presence at racial justice protests, finding just six mentions, ACLED found that Antifa was present at 31 demonstrations.

The researchers concluded that out of the nearly 14,000 racial justice protests in 2020, Antifa was found to be at just 37, or 0.2 percent of these protests.

“That would not qualify as an infiltration of the Black Lives Matter movement,” the researchers, a PhD candidate in sociology at Penn State and an emeritus distinguished professor of sociology at Penn State, wrote, noting that a majority of these occurrences happened in the Pacific Northwest, California, and Washington. DC. “When antifa did attend protests, the incidence of violence was extremely high compared to the level at protests it did not attend,” they wrote.

Of these 37 appearances at racial justice protests, 11 of these involving Antifa resulted in crowd injuries, or 30 percent. When Antifa did not appear, only two percent of the protests resulted in crowd injuries. When Antifa was present, 14 percent of the protests involved police injuries, compared to around two percent at protests that did not have the group in attendance.

In terms of property damage, 27 percent of these protests that had Antifa present resulted in this, while this only occurred just four percent of the time without their appearance.

30 percent of protests involving appearances by Antifa resulted in arrests, compared to just seven percent of protests with the group’s absence.

“In other words, antifa appearances at racial justice protests greatly increased the risk of violence,” the researchers wrote.

They continued on to question whether the right-wing groups were the real source of the violence given that Antifa tens to show up to counter their presence.

“That’s not what our research found. We saw no difference between events in which antifa was facing off with a group such as the Proud Boys or the Three Percenters and when they were protesting unopposed,” they wrote.

Action Line: If you live in an area where ANTIFA is present, what I call an Escape State, you need to consider moving. Unrestrained mob violence isn’t something you want you or your family to endure. Start your search for a new home with my Super States. If you are serious about making the move from an Escape State to a Super State, but can’t get going on your goal, I can help. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and I’ll help you break inertia and achieve your goal of freedom. But only if you’re serious.