My family happened to be staying in Boston over the weekend. The Sunday Boston Globe was complimentary with our room. Inside was a special editorial section, which I thought was real news. Turns out it was a hit piece on Donald Trump. The arrogant staff at The Globe owe readers an apology. And they wonder where their readers have gone? Jennifer Harper writes at The Washington Times:
The Boston Globe spent much time and energy to craft a realistic looking but frankly fake front page Sunday, all for an editorial titled “The GOP must stop Trump.” It consisted of imaginary speculation about the nation under the guidance of President Donald Trump — whose “vision for the future of our nation is as deeply disturbing as it is profoundly un-American,” the news organization said. Headlines ran amok, ranging from “Deportations to Begin” to “U.S. soldiers refuse orders to kill ISIS families.”
It is an odd, ambitious and detailed project doubtless involving multiple reporters, designers and editors tasked with fabricating “stories” that bandy about the name of Donald Trump, along with Gov. Chris Christie, who’s cast as the U.S. attorney general, and Fox News host Megyn Kelly.
It is hard to say whether Globe readers would have preferred such efforts go to, say, a tutorial on national security, personal finances or family values. The project earned considerable press, but not much criticism.
“Can anyone imagine the outrage that liberal media pundits would have had if say, The New York Post or The Washington Times had created a fake page predicting that President Obama would force people off the insurance they wanted to keep, and food stamp use would soar by 70 percent?” demanded Tim Graham, director of media analysis for the Media Research Center, a conservative press watchdog. “Imagine those complaints and transfer them to this: A serious newspaper doesn’t satirize the news. It leaves it to The Onion.”