Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress are trying to kill the Right to Work laws passed in 27 of America’s states. Those laws protect workers from forced unionism, and Biden wants to take that freedom away from American workers forever using a proposal known as the Pro Act. Mark Mix explains at Real Clear Markets:
The “PRO-Act” would make it easier for union bosses to capture entire workplaces with little worker support, and kill all 27 state Right to Work laws so workers everywhere could be forced to pay union dues or fees just to get or keep a job.
The bill would radically reduce workers’ ability to resist unwanted unionization. But union bosses don’t plan on stopping with the “PRO-Act.”
For years, Big Labor officials and their allies in academia have been dreaming up ways to eliminate the issue of worker dissent entirely. Forget going workplace-by-workplace or company-by-company trying to persuade workers to join a union. That only creates opportunities to for them to say no. Instead, the union advocates argue, unions should get monopolies over entire industries.
A plan for establishing industry monopolies was outlined in a Harvard University report described as “the product of a nearly two-year effort to elicit the best ideas from a broad array of participants” that included representatives from the AFL-CIO, SEIU, CWA, AFSCME, UFCW, and Teamsters unions:
“When a worker organization has a membership of 5000 workers in a sector or 10 percent of the workers in a sector (whichever number is lower), the Secretary of Labor will—upon request of the worker organization—establish a sectoral bargaining panel for the sector… Sectoral bargaining agreements will become binding on all firms and all workers in the sector…”
You heard that right. Under their plan, the federal government will hand over control of entire industries to union bosses with support from just a tiny fraction of the workers who would be impacted. It’s not just an academic theory: Self-described “union guy” Joe Biden promised to explore “sectoral bargaining” in his 2020 campaign platform.
Sectoral bargaining proponents want to increase the scope of union monopolies to entire industries and forcibly conscript millions of workers into union ranks and dues payment – which cannot happen if workers have the legal right to say no.
That’s why, like the Biden-backed “PRO-Act,” the Harvard report calls for the elimination of Right to Work laws as a necessary step towards establishing a Big Labor empire of industry monopolies.
Action Line: It’s easy to see the benefits of Right to Work laws in America’s “growth corridors.” If your goal is to live your life free in America, stick with me.
E.J. Smith - Your Survival Guy
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