Inflation? Yes. Your Survival Guy paid $19.50 per pound for fresh cod last week. I know you’re seeing inflation too because you’re telling me about it.
How about buying a boat? New ones are back-ordered for months because of a shortage of resin and off-the-charts demand for new boats. How about used boats? This is anecdotal evidence, but the for sale listings in the back pages of On the Water magazine are scarce. In the past, there would be several pages worth of listings. The most recent issue? Two pages. You can’t find a boat today. Not to mention a good fishing rod and reel to go with it.
You’re telling me help wanted signs are everywhere. Wages are way up. Why work when government benefits pay you not to? My number one investment today and this summer? Red wine. Stock up. And don’t forget toilet paper and .22 ammo (if you can find any).
Check out this chart on M2 and you can see how the government is paying for stimulus spending. How do you think this ends for the dollar? When was the last time the government created anything of value?
Action Line: Invest in assets you need to survive and thrive. If you need help, I’d love to talk with you.