“One Prepares for Old Age While One is Young”

By Irzhanova Asel @ Shutterstock.com

Life comes at you fast. It doesn’t slow down, even in retirement. That’s why it’s nice to have a team working for you. People you can trust. We’re in this together. We’re not that different from each other. Your Survival Guy had another eventful week of conversations with you.

This is a message from a client I’ve been working with since the early 90s, when he was in his fifties. Here’s the caption to a picture he sent me:


Not to be outdone. Our 50th anniversary at the Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita, Mexico. Our son in white, our daughter in black, son-in-law in blue, and our two grandkids. It was a magical evening. One prepares for old age while one is young. When I get old, I’m sure I’ll follow that advice. Thanks for your role in getting us here. Til’ the next adventure.

Another client recently returned home from a bucket-list trip and sent this email:


Thank you for your telephone call this afternoon.   When you called, I was in the midst of a rare midafternoon nap (after being awake for 25 hours and arriving home from Barcelona this morning at 1 AM).  But, I needed to wake up anyhow, so that I’ll sleep tonight and get my body out of the European time schedule.

This year, for the first time since I was about 16, I’m not employed anywhere nor looking forward to employment – since I shut down my consulting practice at the end of 2022.  With “Bidenflation” eating into the value of my savings (in spite of a spike in interest rates – but from approximately zero to something closer to “historical norms”), I’m glad to have your firm managing a significant part of my savings.  If I didn’t believe earnings on savings would (in the long run) make up for a large part of inflation, I wouldn’t be comfortable about spending as much on travel as my family continues to do!

Best wishes to your company and family as you help to steer both your own portfolio and mine through these challenging times!

Action Line: It’s never too late to prepare. Let’s talk.

P.S. Tomorrow, I’ll release my May RAGE Gauge. If you’re not already signed up for my monthly RAGE Gauge alert, click here to subscribe.