RAGE Gauge June: Remember When You Were A Kid and Money Was Free?

Remember when you were a kid, and money was free? Neither do I. And yet there’s a generation of kids/young adults looking for a home to buy, shocked at how much a mortgage costs.

Money isn’t supposed to be free. It’s a product just like a Starbucks latte or avocado toast. You buy it. And for those of us who have a pile of money, living debt free, we’re looking for a return on it. Yes, the Fed finally has rates at a level we can sink our teeth into. But even a blind squirrel can find a nut.

For you, dear reader, in or near retirement, you’re no longer rewarded with pennies on your dollar. You can grab some yield even if the dollar ain’t worth a dime. You know, from here, here, and here, the issues we’re facing stateside are the same ones faced abroad. The gap between the savers and the takers is expanding like a page out of Atlas Shrugged.

Action Line: Smoke from Canada clouds the northeast. The red sun feels like Star Wars. When fear gives way to power, you need to rely on your prior planning. When you need help crafting a plan, I’m here.

P.S. Speaking of free money, remember when Bernanke was prepared to hand money out on the street?

P.P.S. Let Your Survival Guy do the worrying, go fishing.