When the Coast is Clear — By Jimmy Buffett/Mac Mcanally
“The tourist traps are empty,
Vacancy abounds,
Almost like it used to be,
Before the circus came to town”
Yes, it’s that time of year when Labor Day’s to our stern with some more summer ahead, but change is in the air now that the kids are back in school, and it’s just the two of us (and the kittens).
“That’s when it always happens,
Same time every year,
I come down to talk to me,
When the coast is clear”
It’s a perfect time of year for you to look at you. It’s the time to take inventory of your sailing vessel of life. Just going with the flow with the summer breeze is no way to get through what’s to come.
In your captain’s log, make sure you’re on your course. Make sure it’s the right course for your family. As Your Survival Guy, I always look at risk first—the downside—and then plot from there. In my conversations with you, a fleet of hundreds of fellow voyagers, we talk about the arithmetic of losses and the perils of trying to “make it back” home.
Action Line: Now is the time to have that conversation. Sit yourself down and make it happen. I believe you have what it takes. When you’re ready to talk, let’s talk. I know you’re serious.