“Where’ve You Been the Last Couple of Years?”

By Syda Productions @ Shutterstock.com

If all of a sudden you’re receiving calls from your financial guy, don’t you wonder to yourself, “Where’ve you been the last couple of years?” Because the full-court press is on to get in touch with you by the big firms you read about.

Don’t be a number. If you have any savings you care about, I want to talk with you. You deserve the best. That’s why I’m here. And please, don’t worry about how much or little you have. I’ll help you figure out if we can work together. I think we can.

As I wrote to you recently in this piece:

Cut the Wait Times at Fidelity and Vanguard with Your Survival Guy

Investing in a chaotic world isn’t easy. You hope you’re doing the right thing. But hope is not a strategy. When I talk with investors like you on the phone, you’re telling me about the hours-long waits you’re enduring with custodians from Charles Schwab to Vanguard and, yes, even Fidelity. The phone tree is alive and NOT well. That’s unfortunate because you deserve more.

If you’ve been with me through thick and thin, then you know the plan. You’re hunkered down collecting dividends and interest, in other words, getting paid to be in this market. If you’re not with me, I have no idea what you’re doing. Hunkering down? Hoping some positions will rebound?

Investing is not getting easier, especially with the social crusaders voting your shares as if they’re your political leader. I’m hearing, because you tell me, about consolidating with Fidelity. But let’s not confuse investing with Fidelity with investing with Your Survival Guy at Fidelity. They’re not the same.

If you want the white glove service, I think you know which way I favor. As more and more assets are consolidated with the big players, more pressure builds up on their service model. It’s a pressure cooker. And it’s times like these where you deserve someone working on your behalf who knows the system. No one deserves to spend hours on hold.

Action Line: The phone tree is alive and not well as wait times build. Cut down the phone tree. Don’t waste your day on hold. Your time is a most precious commodity. Give me a call. But only if you’re serious.