Back in the summer, Democrats placed all their hopes for winning the 2022 mid-term elections on white suburban women. Their theory was that white suburban women would be so appalled at the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling that they’d forget the terrible job Democrats were doing on the economy, and pretty much everything else. Heading into the last week of the election season, it’s clear that their strategy didn’t work as planned. A new report by Catherine Lucey from The Wall Street Journal suggests that white suburban women are rapidly abandoning the Democrats, and that the economy is their biggest concern. Lucey writes:
White suburban women, a key group of midterm voters, have significantly shifted their support from Democrats to Republicans in the closing days of midterm campaigning because of rising concerns over the economy and inflation, according to the latest Wall Street Journal poll.
The new survey shows that white women living in suburban areas, who make up 20% of the electorate, now favor Republicans for Congress by 15 percentage points, moving 27 percentage points away from Democrats since the Journal’s August poll. It also suggests that the topic of abortion rights has faded in importance after Democrats saw energy on that issue this summer in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
“We’re talking about a collapse, if you will, in that group on the perceptions of the economy,” said Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio who conducted the poll with Democratic pollster John Anzalone. The poll showed that 54% of white suburban women think the U.S. is already in a recession and 74% think the economy is headed in the wrong direction.
Views of the economy among the group were substantially more negative than in the Journal’s most recent prior survey. In August, 43% thought the economy had entered a recession, and 59% said the economy was headed in the wrong direction.
Action Line: Americans want real inflation relief. The misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,” was an insult to voters who know it had nothing to do with helping them, and everything to do with pushing the radical green agenda that actually makes inflation worse. It’s not only white suburban voters who know this, but voters in every demographic who are upset with Democrats’ attempts to ignore, obfuscate, and deflect their responsibility for hurting America’s economy. It’s time for Americans to hold them accountable. In the meantime, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and let’s weather this storm together.