European governments are waging a war on energy use as the war between Russia and Ukraine has made energy supplies scarce on the continent. Now, Switzerland is considering subjecting its citizens to jail time if they heat their homes higher than 66.2°F. Olivia Devereaux-Evans reports for The Daily Mail:
Switzerland is considering jailing anyone who heats their rooms above 19C for up to three years if the country is forced to ration gas due to the Ukraine war.
The country could also give fines to those who violate the proposed new regulations.
Speaking to Blick, Markus Sporndli, who is a spokesman for the Federal Department of Finance, explained that the rate for fines on a daily basis could start at 30 Swiss Francs (£26).
He added that the maximum fine could be up to 3,000 Swiss Francs (£2,667).
And companies who deliberately go over their gas quotas could face punishment.
Additionally, according to the potential measures, temperatures in gas-heated buildings can be no more than 19C (66.2F), with water heated up to 60C (140F).
Blickalso reported that radiant heaters would not be allowed and saunas and swimming pools would have to stay cold.
The measures are stated in the Federal Law on National Economic Supply, referred to by the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (EAER) in an official document.
It has been predicted that the proposed new measures could cause challenges and disputes, leaving courts busy and the government dealing with a new ‘grey area’, according to the report.
Regarding the potential new measures, the cantons of Switzerland have until September 22 to submit any concerns.
Action Line: Ever-increasing government control of your use of energy is frightening. Telling citizens how warm they can keep their homes is a new level of invasiveness by an OECD government. You need to prepare your family to be as self-sufficient as possible. Click here to subscribe to my free Survive & Thrive letter, and I’ll push you to take control of your future and to enhance your family’s personal and financial security for success.