Your Survival Guy: Failure of the Expert Class

By Straight 8 Photography @

You’re seeing the failure of the expert class, the elite, the ruling class, whatever you want to call them, happening right in front of your eyes. Those in power are the reason for the disaster in Afghanistan and the reason COVID is ruining families. And to top it all off, this Monday morning, there’re a million households in southern Louisiana without power.

I began Your Survival Guy to write to you about both manmade and natural disasters and how you can prepare your family to deal with them. As I write to you this morning, I’m not sure which is worse, the long-term failure of manmade disasters like Afghanistan and COVID, or the short, tragic devastation of natural disasters like Ida. At least at some point after Ida, the lights will come back on, and the lives of survivors can get back to normal. But will there ever be a recovery from the manmade missteps of Afghanistan and COVID?

Kids are waking up across America this morning to rush off to school with masks on their faces like it’s Halloween. Parents are being pressured to either vaccinate or find alternative schooling for their kids. These demands are uprooting already disrupted childhoods. One family who I speak with regularly has had COVID, and yet the mother is being forced to get vaccinated or lose her job on Oct. 1. She’s walking. Why? Because her son already suffers from a life-altering vaccination injury suffered when he was a baby. Can you blame her for being hesitant?

How about the 13 families who found out last week that their children were killed in Kabul? You saw this dad’s reaction below, and all I can say is, this is the type of American who is being forgotten by leadership in Washington. The country’s leaders are so far removed from the pain and suffering of this man’s family that they can’t possibly make the right decisions for you and me because there’s no feeling. It’s just transactional for them.

ActionLine: From Afghanistan to COVID, to Ida, there are powers working against you that will test you. But remember, there are more of us than them. This is not going away. Prepare your finances accordingly. This money honeymoon won’t last forever. How can it?