Buy American, Hire American

Small-business is the heartbeat of the American economy. President Trump visited Snap-on Inc. yesterday in Kenosha, WI to sign his “Buy American, Hire American” executive order.

“The ‘Buy and Hire American’ order I’m about to sign will help protect workers and students like those of you in the audience today,” the president said in a speech. “This historic action declares that the policy of our government is to aggressively promote and use American-made goods.”

Trump said his order aims to reevaluate U.S. trade deals with foreign governments and enforce ‘Hire American’ rules — saying too many domestic jobs have been taken by foreign workers through widespread “abuses” in the United States’ immigrant work visa program.

“Right now, H-1B visas are awarded in a totally random lottery, and that’s wrong,” he said. “Instead, they should be given to the most skilled and highest paid applicants and they should never, ever be used to replace Americans. No one can compete with American workers when they are given a fair and level playing field.

Read more here.

President Trump Makes Remarks and Signs the Buy American, Hire American Executive Order