“I never liked Reagan much,” Papaw later told me. ‘But I hated that son of a bitch Mondale.’” And that was the one and only time Papaw voted for a Republican explains J.D. Vance in his #1 New York Times bestseller Hillbilly Elegy. Why did Vance’s grandfather vote for Reagan? Because Reagan connected with the “workingman” much in the way Donald Trump has connected with the “Forgotten Man.” And how about the attacks on Trump or Reagan for that matter? Does, or will, the Great White Wall ever disappear and go quietly into the night? Hardly.
The Great White Wall that supported Trump is America. It is the polar opposite of the media, the elites in Washington, Wall Street, Big Business, Globalism, and the Deep State attacking Trump from every angle. Their attacks only strengthen the Great White Wall and the support for the man who speaks for them. They are The Forgotten Men revolting against a system that is dead set against them and their family every step of the way. Replace the reference to Reagan with Trump, and Mondale with Biden and you get the picture of why the Great White Wall will always stand with Trump as Vance writes:
I was born in late summer 1984, just a few months before Papaw cast his first and only vote for a Republican—Ronald Reagan. Winning large blocks of Rust Belt Democrats like Papaw, Reagan went on to the biggest electoral landslide in modern American history. “I never liked Reagan much,” Papaw later told me. “But I hated that son of a bitch Mondale.” Regan’s Democratic opponent, a well-educated Northern liberal, stood in stark cultural contrast to my hillbilly Papaw. Mondale never had a chance and after he departed from the political scene, Papaw never again voted against his beloved “party of the workingman.”
Click here to read Part I and Part II.