China Just Released Images of an F-22 Style Unmanned Jet

The Chinese just revealed a new remotely piloted fighter jet dubbed the “Dark Sword.” The Dark Sword has an F-22 style vertical stabilizer which means it could be capable of supersonic flight. Experts are warning the Dark Sword could give the Chinese a strategic advantage over the U.S.

China, situated in the Pacific and surrounded to its east by US allies, has tons of airspace to defend. For that reason, a fast fighter makes sense for Beijing.

“Something like this could transit to areas very fast, and, if produced in large numbers without having to train pilots, could at the very least soak up missiles from US fighters, and at the very best be an effective fighter by itself,” said Bronk. “If you can produce lots of them, quantity has a quality all its own.”

In this scenario, US forces are fighting against supersonic, fearlessly unmanned fighter jets that can theoretically maneuver as well or better than manned jets because they do not have pilots onboard.

Source: Business Insider