How well your rifle shoots depends on a number of variables. Last Wednesday I worked on a couple of things I thought I’d share with you. First, to try and limit user-error I shot off of a bench. Over the past month or so I’ve been shooting lying down or prone. If you’ve ever shot from a prone position you know it can be like holding a yoga pose and can wear you down. Next, I wanted to see how my rifle shoots using two different brands of 168 grain .308 ammo.
The first photo is of my Remington Model 700 SPS. The next one is of the ammo. And the last is of the results from 100 yards: I worked from the upper left and clockwise beginning with 1) Winchester (upper-left), 2) Federal (upper-right), 3) Winchester (lower-left), and 4) Federal (lower-right).
I’m pretty happy with all four groups. I like the fourth group the best overall, which is the Winchester. If I had to choose between the two I’d take the Winchester but I’d be just as happy working with the Federal.