Your Survival Guy is just getting by down here in beautiful Key West. This sunset pic above is from high above Louie’s Backyard last night where Becky and I had a chance to reflect on life for a while. Because it’s times like these you need to take some time for YOU.

You need to take a step back. Take a deep breath. Look out into the ocean and figure out how YOU are going to keep moving forward.
It’s too easy to dwell on what’s wrong. It’s unhealthy to be stuck inside your brain. Instead, I want you to be thankful for what is RIGHT in your life.
Today, I want you to make time for you. You need to figure out a way to get re-centered. A long winter is coming. That’s a fact.

Action Line: I want you to have the personal safety and financial success you deserve. We’re in this together. Understand you are your best asset at ALL TIMES. You have choices. One of the healthiest things you can do right now—when the pressure is on—is to get yourself re-centered. And it’s free. Believe me, we’ll find the way together.
P.S. While in Key West, my son Owen and I went fishing with a guide 25 miles out from the island. The flats are so big it was still only 12-15 feet deep. We fished over a shipwreck and Owen caught a Cobia which we fried up for dinner. It was delicious and has the texture of swordfish and tastes similar to striped bass. I caught a Yellow Jack, which is also good, but not Cobia good.