Despite COVID, Small Businesses More Optimistic in Trump Era vs. Obama Era

Even after the crushing punishment blue state governors have wrought on small business owners, they are still more optimistic under President Trump today than they were for nearly the entire Obama-era.

Blue state governors have come out to protect the rich, but President Trump has worked hard to get America’s small businesses running again. Some governors, like South Dakota’s Kristi Noem, have helped. States like South Dakota that have remained open have fared better than the lockdown states.

Americans working in the service industry also feel better now than they did in most of the Obama-era, despite COVID-19’s effects on the economy.

Before the China virus hit, President Trump had engineered the best economic resurgence in decades, with unemployment at decade lows, and at or near record lows among blacks, Hispanics, and women.

Now America needs someone to put its economy back together. They have a choice between Joe Biden, the right-hand man of a president whose economic program never got America off the runway, and President Donald Trump, whose economic program had the country soaring to new heights before the China-virus hit.

Those who are proud to be an American know which candidate is better for the economy.

Action Line: Don’t miss the boat on America’s Trump-led economic resurgence. Sign up for my monthly RAGE Gauge reading by clicking here.