How Many “Retirees” Will Keep Working?: Some Just Won’t Stop

By stockfour @

Today, Bloomberg’s Stephanomics podcast analyzes a theme I’ve been writing about for a while, the question of How Many “Retirees” Will Keep Working?

The podcast discusses the plight of many Americans who are old enough to collect Social Security, but can’t live comfortably on the amount of money they receive, along with what they have saved. So, these older Americans just keep working. Scott Lanman described the podcast here:

Many older Americans are living longer and are happy to keep working. Others can’t afford to retire. Those are just a couple of the reasons why people over age 65 are swelling the ranks of U.S. employees in recent decades. On this week’s episode of Stephanomics, Matthew Boesler takes a closer look at this phenomenon and how it’s reshaping the world’s largest economy.

According to Lanman, half of households are at risk of not being able to maintain their standard of living into retirement. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here.

Read the entire series here.