You have felt the nasty bite of Bidenflation since shortly after Joe Biden began his stay at the White House. Kevin D. Williamson explains in the NY Post that Biden and his supporters are counting on an inflation bedtime story to save Biden in the 2024 election. But the bedtime story, according to Williamson, is a fantasy. He writes:
If you want to know what Democrats are praying for, read the front-page headlines in The Washington Post, e.g.: “Inflation eased slightly in April, with timing for rate cuts still uncertain.”
It isn’t just the timing that is uncertain.
With inflation persistently elevated, it isn’t clear that rate cuts are coming at all for the foreseeable future.
For months, Democrats have been telling themselves a very reassuring bedtime story that plays out in six parts: 1.) Inflation finally will be whipped, at which point 2.) the Fed is going to step in with some well-timed interest-rate cuts, 3.) putting upward pressure on real wages and 4.) lowering rates on mortgages and car loans, at which point 5.) the American people will offer three grateful cheers for Bidenomics and 6.) re-elect the president.
Several of those six developments are not going to happen.
Donald Trump may yet get Joe Biden re-elected, but Fed chairman Jerome Powell isn’t going to save the president from a decades-overdue retirement.
In Wednesday’s monthly inflation report, overall inflation was at 3.4% while “core” inflation — which excludes some volatile commodities such as groceries and gas — was at 3.6% — just under twice the Fed’s preferred rate of 2%.
The usual story that inflation-wary politicians tell to voters is that things are better than they seem because “core” inflation is lower than overall inflation — “You’re in great shape, as long as you don’t have to drive or eat or consume anything that moves on a truck!” — but for Biden the story is reversed: Overall inflation has been partly eased by relatively large declines in food and fuel prices, but inflation for most things people buy is worse than it is at the grocery store or gas station.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices today are about 20% higher than they were when Biden was inaugurated in January of 2021.
Action Line: Your Survival Guy knows from decades of helping people with retirement that most family budgets are not prepared for a 20% price increase over three years. When you want to talk about your retirement and what inflation will mean to you, I’m here. In the meantime, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.