Caution: Main Street Investors Holding the Bag

By sattawat @ Adobe Stock

As Your Survival Guy wrote to you about bitcoin, you need to follow the money. When you see companies like BlackRock offering ETFs in bitcoin through their iShares platform, don’t think it’s about their faith and belief in bitcoin. It’s not. It’s about their faith and belief, just like with ESG funds, in their ability to charge you fees. The same is true for fixed-rate deferred annuities, and soon-to-be private investment offerings.

Private investment offerings or alternatives will soon be available to the average investor and shocker, BlackRock is leading the way. But wait. This isn’t about you. It’s about them, right?

The reason private (non-publicly traded shares) haven’t been available to mom and pop is because of the risk. They’re not liquid and can take years to pan out, if at all. And you guessed it, they carry huge fees. To me, it’s a way to bring liquidity to an illiquid investment. It’s bailing out the big dogs stuck in an illiquid investment leaving Main Street investors holding the bag. No, thank you.

Action Line: When you’re ready to talk about your money, let’s talk. But only if you’re serious. Email me at