It’s Time to Evaluate Your Portfolio

By Gohgah @ Adobe Stock

When investors are feeling good about the stock market, like they are now, it’s time to evaluate your portfolio. As Warren Buffett said you want “to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” Remember the big pullbacks in stocks this century and think how you would handle them in your retirement life.

Portfolio losses are ruinous because long-term investors become focused on short-term issues. It’s easy for one to say he is a long-term investor. It’s much harder to be one. Losses can happen out of nowhere.

Action Line: Use your time wisely. Get your portfolio aligned with your risk tolerance. Most investors are risk intolerant but like with a food allergy, they only realize it after the fact. When you want to talk about risk and your portfolio, I’m here.