Listen Your Survival Guy is not “Mr. Peanut”

By Vovantarakan @

Your Survival Guy loves the holidays. But let’s get something out of the way. Your survival food prep should not be considered “free game” for one and all. You’re not running a convenience store; you’re trying to plan for the unexpected. But that’s what it feels like sometimes, like I’m a stock boy.

Case in point. Before heading out for a small family celebration on Saturday night, someone asked if “we” have any peanuts, knowing I have a stack of ‘em in the basement. “Do I look like Mr. Peanut?” I thought to myself. “I don’t have any that are easy to get to,” I said, thinking that they were sealed away in my stacks of containers. “No,” she said. “They’re right there on the shelves when you open the door.” “But they’re for an emergency,” I said. “Just get them out. You can buy more next week,” she said.

Now preparing for the worst is hard enough as it is without being looked at as a “bad guy” or selfish. I, too, have been eyeing those canisters of peanuts for months and was dying to try them. And yes, they were good. But I’m a little uneasy thinking about the strain on my supply chain.

Action Line: Like investing, where it can be better not to look at your portfolio daily, it’s better to hide stuff from yourself, like peanuts in this case, so you’re not tempted to eat them or be looked upon as a vending machine. Tuck your valuables away to protect yourself from yourself and other prying eyes.