YSG’s Latest Quick Top 10 Checklist for You

Your Survival Guy’s quick top 10 checklist for you today:

  1. Follow the #1 habit of highly successful people. Save ‘til it hurts.
  2. When you’re a saver, you solve a lot of life’s problems. Savers know what it’s like to do without. They’re disciplined. They’re thoughtful. They levitate to a more peaceful way of life. A better existence. They’re not needy or superficial. Don’t be needy.
  3. Save a third, spend a third, pay taxes with a third. Use your tax refund to visit Your Survival Guy. You’ll love Newport, RI.
  4. Investing is a different skill than saving. Invest with someone you trust.
  5. Make sure whomever you’re investing with is a fiduciary by law. There’re plenty of titles out there today. A fiduciary is the queen of the fleet. Get it in writing.
  6. Put your lazy cash to work. Fidelity’s Treasury Money Market is my favored place to park it.
  7. Don’t lose money. The arithmetic of portfolio losses is an education everyone can do without.
  8. Own your own bonds. We haven’t seen fixed-income yields this high in a generation.
  9. If you miss Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report and his Monster Master Lists, I understand. If you want a portfolio managed by us, we can help you.
  10. Open an account with Fidelity. Let us do the heavy lifting with your discretionary authority.

If you missed Your Survival Guy’s Quick Top 10 Checklist, click here.