Good morning from Beaune. Your Survival Guy is on the last leg of a three-week research trip through Paris/Beaune. The word on the ground is that France is back in business, but it’s been a long pull through Covid. Now everyone’s trying to make up for the lost time. The service industry is still struggling to find workers and to balance the needs of workers who are burnt out. It is an Atlas Shrugged-like struggle between working and throwing in the towel and just not coming back to work. Sound familiar?
Louis Jadot is always a good choice.
Your Survival Guy surviving in Beaune, France. You can’t ever be too prepared.
A Survival Guy fortress.
This gas station has no gasoline. I had conversations with locals who are concerned they will not be able to heat their homes this winter. Striking French unions have blockaded oil refineries at the worst possible moment, and the lack of supply makes auto travel in the country uncertain at best.
Of course, some trips to the vineyards, and some Meursault.
Action Line: Lockdowns and employee shortages have done a number on many economies, and France is one of them. But if you look hard you can find people working hard to put things back to normal. If you need help getting your investment portfolio back to normal after two years of radical policy prescriptions sending your nest egg on a roller coaster, let’s talk. In the meantime, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and you’ll learn more about me and how I help American families improve their personal and financial security.