What You’re Telling Me on Any Given Day

By Halfpoint @ Shutterstock.com

You’re telling me about the snow in your neck of the woods while on your afternoon walk. You’re telling me about how you’re setting up to sell your business. And you’re telling me how you’ve read Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report for years, and you’re ready to become a client.

After one of my conversations with you, you emailed me and said, “It just came to me that during our conversation we did not speak a word about our investments. Nothing about stocks or fixed income. That tells me something.“

Once you get your financial situation on terra firma, it opens the world up in a way where you have all the time you want to talk about other stuff. It’s like you’re in a relaxed setting, sharing a glass of wine with a friend. It’s really not much more complicated than that. Remember investing isn’t hard, it’s just hard to do. Don’t let inertia keep you in lockdown.

Action Line: Every month in my Survive & Thrive letter, I help you break through inertia and reach your goals. Sign up by clicking here.