This is one of my favorite stories about a guy following his passion and making a career out of it. If you haven’t checked out his videos on how to wash a car, then you’re in for a treat. Enjoy!
CNBC tells the story of Larry Kosilla, a Wall Street trader who decided to give up the fast lane to instead pursue his dream of being around expensive cars all the time. Marguerite Ward reports:
“You can’t fake enthusiasm,” Kosilla tells CNBC. “There’s not enough money in the world to fake enthusiasm.”
He created a website Ammo NYC to sell detailing products online in 2011. From there, he started a business caring for expensive cars.
“Luckily, my girlfriend (now my wife) and my family were pretty cool with that,” he says.
At first, it was difficult to secure clients. But, after learning more about Kosilla’s expertise and passion, a neighbor’s father took a chance on him.
His excitement helped him succeed. “I just, I really loved cars,” he says. “I think everybody sees whether you’re enthusiastic or not.”
He used social media to his advantage as well. With every new client’s car, the entrepreneur took photos of his work and posted tutorials online.
Now Ammo NYC is a full-fledged business. Each week, Kosilla cares for cars worth millions of dollars, often for CEOs and successful business leaders.
For Kosilla, there’s no looking back.
“If you’re happy and you become the best at whatever you do you, and that can be a garbage man a cabinet maker or a banker or whatever,” he says, “if you’re passionate, I think people around your customers or clients your friends whoever will see that.”
Looking back on the Wall Street career that he gave up, the entrepreneur says, “I’ve been doing this for, gosh, fifteen, sixteen years now and I don’t regret it at all.”
Action Line: If you regret going in to work every day, it’s time to find something new. Break the inertia, and get on track to a job you love today.